
The Dangers of PERC in Dry Cleaning

Perchloroethylene (PERC) is the most common solvent used for dry cleaning in the United States. PERC is a reproductive toxicant, neurotoxicant, potential human carcinogen, and a persistent environmental pollutant. The Environmental Protection Agency is evaluating PERC under the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which amended the Toxic Substances Control Act (amended TSCA), and has mandated that PERC dry cleaning machines be removed from residential buildings. Some local and state programs are also requiring or facilitating transitions to alternative cleaning technologies. However, the potential for these alternatives to harm human health and the environment is not well-understood. This review describes the issues surrounding the use of PERC and alternative solvents for dry cleaning while highlighting the lessons learned from a local government program that transitioned PERC dry cleaners to the safest current alternative: professional wet cleaning. Implications for future public health research and policy are discussed: (1) we must move away from PERC, (2) any transition must account for the economic instability and cultural aspects of the people who work in the industry, (3) legacy contamination must be addressed even after safer alternatives are adopted, and (4) evaluations of PERC alternatives are needed to determine their implications for the long-term health and sustainability of the people who work in the industry.

Dry Cleaning and the Use of Perchloroethylene

Dry cleaning uses non-aqueous solvents to clean fabrics. The first dry cleaning operations in the United States (US) date back to the 1800s when people washed fabrics in open tubs with solvents such as gasoline, kerosene, benzene, turpentine, and petroleum and then hung to dry. In the 1900s, the US started using specialized machines for the dry cleaning process. However, the use of highly flammable petroleum solvents caused many fires and explosions, highlighting the need to find a safer alternative. The dry cleaning industry first introduced Stoddard solvent (less flammable than gasoline) followed by several nonflammable halogenated solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene (TCE), trichlorotrifluoroethane, and perchloroethylene (PERC). Beginning in the 1940s, PERC—also known as tetrachloroethylene or PCE—became the most frequently used dry cleaning solvent and continues to be the primary solvent used to dry clean fabrics both in the US and the European Union (EU).

To comply with environmental regulations, dry cleaning machines have evolved through several “generations” to minimize PERC release. The 1st generation machines were “transfer machines,” where cleaned fabrics were manually transferred from the washer to a dryer. Since then, various pollution prevention controls have been implemented through the subsequent generations, culminating in the latest 5th generation machines, which are closed-loop and equipped with refrigerated condensers, carbon absorbers, inductive fans, and sensor-actuated lockout devices. As the newer generations of machines were introduced, the amount of PERC used was reduced from 300 to 500 g-PERC/kilogram of fabrics (1st generation) to <10 g-PERC/kilogram cleaned garment (5th generation). In many EU countries, dry cleaning machines older than 15 years are typically prohibited—only 5th generation machines are allowed. However, 4th generation machines may be used if best practices (e.g., good housekeeping, optimal machine operation, and recycling) are implemented and they meet EU emission requirements. The US EPA’s National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) regulations stipulate that 2nd generation machines must be upgraded to 4th generation, and 3rd generation machines must be retrofitted or upgraded to 4th generation machines; only 4th generation and later machines can be sold, leased, or installed.

As of 2017 in the US, there are ~20,600 dry cleaning shops and the industry employs nearly 160,000 workers, with ~80% identifying as a racial or ethnic minority. The majority of owners are of Korean ancestry. Nationwide, 60–65% of dry cleaners use PERC as their primary solvent and most of the remainder use a high-flashpoint hydrocarbon. Other solvents currently used in the US include butylal, siloxane, liquid carbon dioxide, glycol ethers, and water (professional wet cleaning). In Europe, 60–90% of dry cleaning shops use PERC, depending on the country.

Health and Environmental Impacts of Perchloroethylene

PERC is a respiratory and skin irritant, neurotoxicant, liver and kidney toxicant, and reproductive and developmental toxicant . PERC is also considered a “potential occupational carcinogen”, “likely to be carcinogenic to humans by all routes of exposure”, and “probably carcinogenic to humans”. Neurotoxicity is the most sensitive non-cancer adverse health effect associated with PERC, with negative outcomes occurring even at low-dose exposures. Specifically, chronic (i.e., years) or sub-chronic (i.e., months) PERC exposure in humans has been associated with deficits in color vision and neuropsychological function in both occupational and community exposure studies.

A comprehensive review of 109 occupational studies with personal exposure measures estimated a mean exposure to PERC of 59 parts per million (ppm) among dry cleaning workers, with <10 ppm for spotters, pressers, and counter clerks and >100 ppm for machine operators. Another study in 2014 in The Netherlands surveyed ambient PERC concentrations for 193 dry cleaning shops before and after implementing a certification program that customers can use to select shops that are more safe and environmental friendly. Before the program, about 77% of shops reported 15-min time-weighted average (TWA) airborne concentrations ≥35 ppm. After the program, all shops showed a 15-min TWA of <35 ppm. These reductions were encouraging and below the European Union 15-min TWA limit of 40 ppm. However, decrements in visual reproduction, pattern memory, and pattern recognition were found among 65 workers when exposed to an average TWA concentration of <50 ppm for at least 3 years. Decrements on cognitive tests of attention and visual perception were seen in 100 workers with average full-shift TWA exposures of 12 ppm. Decrements were also found with cognitive tests of attention, specifically impaired reaction time, and vigilance among 60 workers typically exposed to TWA of 15 ppm. Reduced performance on vocal reaction time to visual stimuli was seen among 35 workers with TWA as low as 8 ppm. Residents who lived near a dry cleaning shop for an average of 10.6 years (mean indoor air concentration of 0.7 ppm) were found to have reduced cognitive performance on a test of reaction time, vigilance, and visual memory.

Numerous communities have been impacted through exposure to PERC. A cluster of communities on Cape Cod, Massachusetts has been extensively studied following years of PERC exposure. In this region, some water pipes were replaced with vinyl-lined asbestos-cement pipes. The vinyl lining was applied with a slurry of vinyl resin and PERC. Although it was believed that the PERC would evaporate before installation, subsequent water quality testing revealed that the people living in these communities were being exposed to PERC in their drinking water, ranging from 1.5 to 7,750 μg/L. Residents experienced adverse reproductive health outcomes, including delayed time-to-pregnancy, increased risk of placental abruptions, and an increased risk of congenital malformations. Exposure during the prenatal and early childhood period also yielded adverse impacts in adulthood, including reduced performance on neuropsychological tests, increased risk of bipolar disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, illicit drug use, vision problems, and certain types of cancer. However, no literature was found that describes the regional impact of community PERC exposures through other routes, such as inhalation.

PERC is a persistent pollutant that can contaminate air, soil, groundwater, drinking water, and is potentially toxic to wildlife . The recent draft US EPA risk evaluation on PERC found environmental risks to aquatic organisms . PERC poses a hazard to environmental aquatic receptors, including aquatic invertebrates, fish, and aquatic plants. The most sensitive species for acute toxicity were two daphnid species, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia magna; the acute toxicity value was as low as 2.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). PERC presents an acute hazard to fish based on the mortality of rainbow trout (the most sensitive species) with acute toxicity values as low as 3.6 mg/L for mortality (i.e., the LC50—the concentration required to kill 50% of the population) . For chronic exposures, PERC is a hazard to aquatic invertebrates, with a chronic toxicity value of 0.5 mg/L, and a chronic toxicity value of 0.8 mg/L for fish . PERC is also a hazard for green microalgae with toxicity values as low as 0.02 mg/L .


How Much Time Do You Spend Doing Laundry?

Depending on how much clothing you own and how big your household is, you may only have to do laundry every few weeks–even once a month! But if you have children or try to keep a minimal closet, you may find yourself doing laundry much more often.

Either way, no matter how often you do laundry, it’s not exactly a chore you can cut out of your life unless you’re willing to buy new clothes every time you need something to wear.

But understanding how much time it actually takes for you to clean and care for all of the clothes in your closet can help you determine the best way to minimize the time you spend doing it, and whether or not it’s worth considering outsourcing some of your labor.

So let’s figure out how many hours of your life are you dedicating to washing, drying, folding, putting away, hanging up, ironing, steaming, and stain treating each year.

Prep Time

Laundry doesn’t (or shouldn’t, actually) start by tossing your clothes into the washing machine. Usually, you have to sort through the hamper for like colors and fabrics–separate the whites, separate the delicates, etc.

If there are multiple people in your home, you’ll have to gather all of the laundry together, carrying in the hampers (or, let’s be honest, piles) from each room.

Gathering the laundry and sorting it probably takes about ten minutes. If you do laundry once a week that’s about forty minutes a month.

Washing and Drying

Now, this is a more difficult calculation because not all of it is active time. Stain prep before tossing in the clothes, loading the machine, transferring the clothes from the washer to the dryer… these are all active tasks. But while the machine is running, you can (and likely do) walk away to take care of other things. We’ll say about fifteen minutes per load.

Assuming you do about four separate loads on laundry day (bedding, delicates, whites, and colors), that’s about an hour of work. So about four hours of work per month.

Folding, Hanging, and Putting Away

And now for the most universally dreaded part of laundry day. Honestly, we think folding and putting away is the number one reason people avoid doing laundry in the first place. And it’s no wonder! After all that manual labor, now you have to sort and fold and make room–it takes so much more time to do than the actual washing.

The time for folding and putting away will vary drastically depending on how many people are in your household, what type of clothes you’re washing, and whether you’re a fast folder. Not to mention the ironing if you’re one of those over-achievers! But for once-a-week laundry with a few separate loads, let’s say conservatively two hours of folding and putting away–if that seems excessive, adjust for your own habits.

But don’t forget to include the amount of time you spend matching socks! That’s another 8 hours a month.

The Grand Total

So with an average, conservative estimate, the average household will likely do about 12 hours and 40 minutes of laundry per month. That’s more than a full working day every calendar month! Based on an average salary of $50,000 per year in America that’s about $306.51 worth of labor!

If it makes sense in your budget, you could utilize full concierge laundry services every month for half that price! Hanger’s Cleaners in Little Rock offers pickup and drop-off laundry services for customers in our area, so you don’t even have to calculate time spent driving to the store.


7 Dry Cleaning & Laundry Tips for Cleaner Clothes in OKC

1. Time is Crucial When It Comes to Stains

We’ve all spilled something on our favorite piece of clothing and rushed to try and get the stain out, only to end up leaving it until laundry day (whenever that comes). The thing about stains is that you need to get your stain taken care of sooner than later. The longer you wait to handle your stained clothing, the smaller the chance you or a professional can remove it. So the next time you spill some barbecue sauce on your favorite shirt, make sure to get it taken care of ASAP.

2. Let Professionals Clean Your Household Items

Forget dragging your comforter down to your local laundromat and stuffing it into a machine. Let the same people that care for your clothes take care of your household furnishings. From draperies to comforters and bedspreads, nearly all dry cleaners can handle your household items with the same attention to quality and care that your clothes receive.

3. Protect Your Favorite Clothes from Sweat

Most damage in the underarm area is directly related to consumer use. Perspiration, if allowed to stay in a shirt will eventually stain and weaken the fabric. Aluminum chlorides, a key ingredient found in antiperspirants, also weaken the area under the arms. Frequent laundering after wear may minimize this type of damage.

4. Don’t Press a Stained Item

This is kind of a no-brainer. Pressing a stained item causes the stain to become a permanent design on the article of clothing due to the heat produced by the iron.

5. Let Any Lotions, Perfumes, and Antiperspirants Dry Before Getting Dressed

You know that shirt that got ruined with underarm stains? It’s due to the deodorant that you’re wearing. You don’t have to stop using your favorite lotion or antiperspirant, but just make sure that you’re applying them and letting them dry prior to putting on your clothes. That way you won’t transfer any onto your clothes, which can ultimately lead to discoloration.

6.  Clean Garments and Remove Stains Prior to Storage

If you’re like the thousands of other people that store their seasonal clothing, make sure that you’re only storing cleaned and treated clothing so that you minimize the amount of damage that the item receives while in storage. Untreated stains can lead to discoloration or aging of your clothing. So, let your

7.  Store Your Clothes Away from Direct Sunlight

Sunlight can cause your clothes to fade, which is mostly notable in your darker clothing. It’s best to keep all of your clothing stored in an area that doesn’t have direct sunlight. Not all closets are windowless, so make sure that your clothes aren’t being hit by direct sunlight on a daily basis. If you still want some natural light coming through your closet window, you can easily add some window film or tint, which you can find at most local home improvement stores.